Wine FAQ

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Wine FAQ

Post by weazy » Fri May 30, 2003 5:22 pm

The Wine FAQ


About Wine

1. What is Wine?
2. What's UNIX? What's Linux? What's FreeBSD? What's GNU?
3. Is Wine an emulator?
4. What's the history of Wine?
5. Why would anyone want Wine? Doesn't Windows suck?
6. What is Wine, and what is it supposed to do?
7. What is the current version of Wine?
8. When will Wine be finished?
9. What undocumented APIs / interfaces are not understood?
Would seeing Microsoft source help?

Getting Wine

10. Do I need Unix first? Where can I get Linux?
11. Can I get Wine on CD?

Common troubles with configuring Wine

12. This RPM requires, but the latest
ncurses I can find is
13. Why does it keep saying that Xpm is not installed?
14. What is this kernel/kernel32 mismatch warning?
15. I'm getting a X_OpenFont crash when starting Wine!
16. All my Wine windows stick on top and/or on all my
17. Wine looks like Windows 3.1, but I run Windows 95
18. I compiled Wine from source, but it can't find the .so
files, like!
19. Wine won't start on my new glibc2.1.3-based
distribution (RedHat 6.2, Mandrake 7.0, etc)!

Common troubles with running programs with Wine

20. I'm getting a relocation records stripped message,
what's this?
21. I can't start programs in paths with spaces in them!
22. I tried to run a setup application, but it complains
that it can't create start menu entries, what can I do?
23. My application wants me to change disks/CD-ROMs, but I
can't unmount it while it is running, what can I do?

Getting Help

24. Is there any documentation for Wine?
25. I couldn't find the answer to my question in the
documentation, but I've written a document explaining
how to solve it. What should I do?

Developing programs using Wine

26. Can I use Wine to port my Win32 sources to Unix?
27. Will MFC work with Wine? What do I need to do?
28. Are there any commercial applications which have been
ported using Wine?
29. How can I detect Wine?

Becoming a Wine developer

30. How do I become a Wine developer? What do I need to

About this FAQ

31. How recent is this FAQ? Where can I get the latest
32. Who maintains this FAQ? What's its history? How do I
submit additions?
33. What's the copyright on this FAQ? How may I use it?


34. Which programs does Wine currently run?
35. Are there programs which Wine will never be able to
36. Can I use Wine to access my Winmodem?
37. Will MS Windows programs typically run faster or slower
under UNIX and Wine than they do under DOS and MS
Windows? Will certain kinds of programs run slower or
38. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to running MS
Windows applications under Wine that I should be aware
39. Will Wine support MS Windows networked applications
that use winsock.dll?
40. I'm a software developer who wants to use UNIX to
develop programs rather than DOS, but I need to write
DOS and MS Windows programs as well. Will I be able to
run my favorite DOS and/or MS Windows compilers under

What You Need to Run Wine

41. Under what hardware platform(s) and operating system(s)
will Wine run?
42. What minimum CPU must I have in my computer to be able
to run Wine and MS Windows applications smoothly?
43. How much disk space will the Wine source code and
binaries take on my hard drive? What other software do
I need to have installed to compile and run Wine?
44. How much RAM do I need to have on my UNIX system to be
able to run Wine and MS Windows applications smoothly?
45. I have a Drivespaced, Doublespaced or Stackered DOS
partition. Can Wine run MS Windows binaries located in
such a partition?
46. Do I need to have a DOS partition on my system to use
Wine? Does MS Windows need to be loaded into that
partition in order to run MS Windows programs under
47. If Wine completely replaces MS Windows, will it
duplicate all of the functions of MS Windows?
48. Will I be able to install MS Windows applications in
any flavor of a UNIX filesystem?
49. Will Wine run only under X, or can it run in character
50. Will Wine run under any X window manager? Does it
require a window manager at all?
51. Will 32-bit Windows 95/98 applications run under Wine?
52. What about NT specific programs, which use NT-only

How to Find, Install, Configure and Run Wine

53. Where can I get Wine?
54. If I do not have an Internet account, how can I get
55. How do I install Wine on my hard drive?
56. How do I compile the Wine distribution source code?
57. How do I configure Wine to run on my system?
58. How do I run an MS Windows program under Wine?
59. I have installed and configured Wine, but Wine cannot
find MS Windows on my drive. Where did I go wrong?
60. I'm running a DirectX game, but the graphics is slow,
how can I speed it up?
61. I think I've found a bug. How do I report this bug to
the Wine programming team?
62. I was able to get various MS Windows programs to run,
but parts of them do not work. What is wrong?
63. I have run various MS Windows programs, but since the
program menus do not work, how can I exit these
64. How do I remove Wine from my computer?

How to Get Help with Wine

65. Is there a Usenet newsgroup for Wine?
66. Is there a World Wide Web site for Wine?

How You Can Help with the Wine Project

67. How can I help contribute to the Wine project, and in
what way(s)?
68. I want to help beta test Wine. How can I do this?
69. I have written some code that I would like to submit to
the Wine project. How do I go about doing this?

Who's Responsible for Wine?

70. Who is responsible for writing and maintaining the Wine
source code?
71. Who are the folks and organizations who have
contributed money or equipment to the Wine project?

Questions and Answers

About Wine

1. What is Wine?

Wine is Windows on UNIX.

2. What's UNIX? What's Linux? What's FreeBSD? What's GNU?

UNIX refers to a number of OSes based on the OS started
at Bell Labs in the 70's. GNU is a longstanding project
to create a free Unix. Linux and FreeBSD are free
Unixes, building on the GNU project. Some distributors,
such as Debian, refer to the result as GNU/Linux in
recognition of the GNU heritage.

3. Is Wine an emulator?

Unfortunately, no. Wine provides low-level binary
compatibility, but currently only for OSes running on
Intel-compatible chips.

4. What's the history of Wine?

As far as I remember it was a discussion in
comp.os.linux about Windows emulation. The first real
code came from Eric Youngdale (at this point he was
toying around with object formats, i.e. he was writing
the ELF infrastructure for Linux and applied this
knowledge to write a simple loader for Windows
binaries). Then Bob Amstadt got the actual project
running (with TK widgets). -- Joerg

Also see

5. Why would anyone want Wine? Doesn't Windows suck?

Not everyone thinks so. And for those that don't,
Windows programs would suck less when run on a more
stable and flexible UNIX platform.

6. What is Wine, and what is it supposed to do?

Wine is a program which allows the operation of DOS and
MS Windows programs (Windows 3.x and Win32 executables)
on UNIX. It consists of a program loader, which loads
and executes a Windows binary, and a library that
implements Windows API calls using their UNIX or X11
equivalents. The library may also be used for porting
Win32 code into native UNIX executables.

Wine is free software, and its license (contained in
the file LICENSE in each distribution) is BSD style.
Basically, this means that you can do anything with
Wine except claim that you wrote it.

7. What is the current version of Wine?

A new version of Wine is distributed about every three
weeks. You will be able to keep up on all the latest
releases by reading the newsgroup

where new release announcements are made. You can also
subscribe to the wine-announce mailing list to be
notified of new releases via email.

When downloading Wine from your FTP site of choice (see for some of these
choices), you can make sure that you are getting the
latest version by watching the version numbers in the
distribution filename.

For instance, the distribution released on June 20,
1994 was called Wine-940620.tar.gz.

Patch files are also available. If you are current to
the previous version, you can download and apply just
the current patch file rather than the entire new
distribution. The patch filenames follow the same
conventions as the monthly distribution.

Read-only CVS access is also available. See http://

8. When will Wine be finished?

Large software projects are never finished, only

Because Wine is being developed by volunteers, it is
difficult to predict when it will be ready for general
release. Between 90-98% of the functions used by MS
Windows applets, and 80-90% of the functions used by
major programs, have been at least partially
implemented at this time. However, the remaining 10%
will likely take another 90% of the time, not including

9. What undocumented APIs / interfaces are not understood?
Would seeing Microsoft source help?

The best would be if the Windows API would be fully
documented, so Wine could be a perfect "clean-room"
implementation. Seeing the source code might make it
harder to prove that no copyright violations have taken
place. That said, the documentation is often bad,
nonexistent, and even misleading where it exists, so a
fair amount of reverse engineering have been necessary,
particularly in the shell (Explorer) interface.

Getting Wine

10. Do I need Unix first? Where can I get Linux?

The short answer is yes: Wine is not an OS, it runs on
top of your OS. A project named Generic Windows, a
prepacked setup of FreeBSD+XFree86+Wine, has been
proposed, but its domain name,,
seems to have disappeared from the Web.

11. Can I get Wine on CD?

You can get the source on any CD which mirrors a Wine
site, such as the Metalab CD's marketed by Walnut Creek
CDROM. Be warned that these might be slightly out of
date by the time you get them.

Common troubles with configuring Wine

12. This RPM requires, but the latest
ncurses I can find is

RedHat has pulled a bad versioning trick; ncurses 5 is
still installed as in order to avoid
having to recompile the rest of the distribution. If
you must use a RPM rather than compile from source,
make a symlink, like
cd /usr/lib
ln -s

13. Why does it keep saying that Xpm is not installed?

You need the Xpm development headers. On RedHat and
SuSE, this is the xpm-devel package. On Debian, this is
the xpm4g-dev package. Remember to rm config.cache (or
make distclean) before trying again.

14. What is this kernel/kernel32 mismatch warning?

An error in the configuration file, which unfortunately
many RPM creators have overlooked. If you run win32
applications and have win95/winNT installed with this
error, Wine will crash on startup. The wine.conf should
contain something like this (but you may ignore the
DllPairs section if it doesn't exist, as it was
obsoleted a while ago):
krnl386 = kernel32
kernel32, gdi32, user32 = builtin
krnl386, gdi, user = builtin

15. I'm getting a X_OpenFont crash when starting Wine!

Make sure you have run mkfontdir in all your X font
directories to make sure X has a current list of
available fonts. Also, some Windows fonts do not work
properly in X. When Wine starts, it queries the X
server for the metrics of every font on the system, and
for some fonts this may fail. Run wine -debugmsg +font
-sync to see what fonts it was querying the X server
about, then remove the offending font.

16. All my Wine windows stick on top and/or on all my

Have you tried the -managed or -desktop command line
options? See the man page for details.

17. Wine looks like Windows 3.1, but I run Windows 95

The visual look and the API are completely different
and independent things, think of the look as a theme,
it does not change what the applications think they are
running on. That said, to change the look, set the
WineLook option under [Tweak.Layout] in your wine.conf.

18. I compiled Wine from source, but it can't find the .so
files, like!

When compiling from source, the libraries go into /usr/
local/lib by default. Most Linux distributions aren't
set up to look there by default, you have to add /usr/
local/lib to /etc/ (and then rerun ldconfig)
yourself (or let tools/wineinstall do it for you).

19. Wine won't start on my new glibc2.1.3-based
distribution (RedHat 6.2, Mandrake 7.0, etc)!

There are severe bugs in stock glibc2.1.3. For towupper
crashes, or errors about MENU_CopySysPopup and USER,
you can work around the problem by defining the
environment variable LC_ALL, i.e. export LC_ALL=en (in
bash) or setenv LC_ALL en (in tcsh).

Common troubles with running programs with Wine

20. I'm getting a relocation records stripped message,
what's this?

It means that a Win32 application tried to start
another executable, but this new executable wanted
itself loaded at an address typically already occupied
by the old executable, and did not have the relocation
records necessary for it to be loaded anywhere else
(recent versions of MSVC++ removes (strips) this
information by default). Sometimes you can get the
application up anyway by just manually starting the
other executable it was trying to run (this applies to
Lotus Notes, for example).

The root of this problem is that Win32 keeps separate
address spaces for each Win32 process, so that two
executables will never clash under Windows. However,
there is a lot of work left before Wine can do the
same, mostly having to do with how these applications
are going to communicate with each other once they are

21. I can't start programs in paths with spaces in them!

Did you do something like wine /c/Program Files/foo/
bar.exe? The shell sees unescaped spaces as argument
separators, for obvious reasons. To tell it that it's
all one argument, you must quote it. Examples:
wine /c/Program\ Files/foo/bar.exe
wine "/c/Program Files/foo/bar.exe"

But the best and simplest idea is always to cd into the
program's directory first and then just run wine
bar.exe. Many applications depend on the current
directory being the program directory, and they might
not work otherwise.

22. I tried to run a setup application, but it complains
that it can't create start menu entries, what can I do?

If you're running without a real Windows installation,
first you need to install the necessary registry
entries, if you haven't already done so. See
documentation/no-windows for more information. Next,
you need to create directories for the paths in the
registry. If your Drive C path is /c, you would type
something like
mkdir "/c/windows/Start Menu"
mkdir "/c/windows/Start Menu/Programs"

to prepare the start menus, and after this the install
should succeed. (The newest version of tools/
wineinstall should do all this for you.)

23. My application wants me to change disks/CD-ROMs, but I
can't unmount it while it is running, what can I do?

Use the Supermount kernel patch, and mount your
removable media using the Supermount filesystem (read
its README file). Supermount implements DOS/
Windows-like behaviour (it allows you to change media
(as long as no files are open) without unmounting).

(Mandrake kernels are known to include this patch by

Getting Help

24. Is there any documentation for Wine?

Yes, a bit. Look in the documentation/ directory of the
source distribution. Also see the WineHQ website and
the draft version of the Wine-HOWTO.

25. I couldn't find the answer to my question in the
documentation, but I've written a document explaining
how to solve it. What should I do?

Updates and additions to the Wine documentation
directory should be sent to the wine-patches mailing
list. Website and FAQ additions should be sent to

Developing programs using Wine

26. Can I use Wine to port my Win32 sources to Unix?

That is the idea of Winelib. Right now you may have
some difficulties, but this should change soon.

27. Will MFC work with Wine? What do I need to do?

Work is underway to support this.

28. Are there any commercial applications which have been
ported using Wine?

At this time, Corel's WordPerfect Office Suite and
Deneba's Canvas 7 are known to use Winelib.

29. How can I detect Wine?

You shouldn't need to. If there's a quirk in Wine you
need to work around, it's better to fix it in Wine.

Becoming a Wine developer

30. How do I become a Wine developer? What do I need to

If you can program C, that's a good start. Download the
sources via CVS, subscribe to the mailing lists, look
around the source, and pay attention to the newsgroup and the
mailing lists. See if there's anything that you think
you can fix or work on. You won't have much trouble
finding areas that need work in Wine (grep for FIXMEs
in the source).

About this FAQ

31. How recent is this FAQ? Where can I get the latest

This document was last edited Tue Mar 06 01:33:11 EST
2001. It is available from

32. Who maintains this FAQ? What's its history? How do I
submit additions?

Dave Gardner maintained it from 1995-1998. Douglas
Ridgway <>, the current maintainer,
took it over in 1999. Proposed new questions should be
sent to him.

33. What's the copyright on this FAQ? How may I use it?

The original Wine FAQ, which this FAQ was based on, was
copyright © 1995-1998 David Gardner. It may be
reproduced and modified under the same terms as Wine


34. Which programs does Wine currently run?

Please see the Apps database.

35. Are there programs which Wine will never be able to

Wine is designed to allow applications to run, and
implements an application programming interface. It is
not designed to interface directly with hardware, which
is the responsibility of the underlying operating
system. Wine does not in general allow using Windows
drivers under Unix. That said, Wine has been used to
support parallel devices, such as parallel port
scanners for which no Unix driver is available.

36. Can I use Wine to access my Winmodem?

No. These are usually cheap DAC/ADC boards that comes
with software that consumes some of the processing
power of your main CPU instead of letting the hardware
do its own job of decoding/encoding the acoustic
signals that carries data over the phone line. The
software drivers use VxDs to access the hardware, which
brings us to the previous question, above.

See instead.

37. Will MS Windows programs typically run faster or slower
under UNIX and Wine than they do under DOS and MS
Windows? Will certain kinds of programs run slower or

When work on Wine is completed, programs should
typically run at about the same speed under Wine as
they do under DOS and MS Windows. Currently, there are
debugging features built into each release, and this
slows down the execution of programs. However, these
debugging features will be removed for any
post-development releases.

38. Are there any advantages or disadvantages to running MS
Windows applications under Wine that I should be aware

As with OS/2, you will be running MS Windows programs
under a protected mode operating system, which brings
certain advantages (and some disadvantages).

For instance, there will be crash protection. That is,
each MS Windows application running under Wine will be
running in its own X window and its own portion of
reserved memory. If one MS Windows application crashes,
it will not crash the other MS Windows or UNIX
applications that you may have running at the same

However, be aware that some applications are broken and
they access memory that they haven't properly (or at
all) allocated. Under OS/2 or Wine, they will crash.
Under MS Windows, they may work for a period of time,
but then eventually you will have to reboot the

Also, MS Windows programs should run at about the same
speed under Wine as they do under MS Windows.

When Wine is finished, you will be able to run your
favorite MS Windows applications in a UNIX environment.
However, be aware that any application written for MS
Windows will run much less efficiently than its native
UNIX cousin. For Linux, there is a database of such
applications at the Linux Apps Page.

39. Will Wine support MS Windows networked applications
that use winsock.dll?

Yes, Wine does support such applications, more so the
16-bit than the 32-bit version of winsock. Working
applications include Agent (a Usenet newsreader), mIRC,
ws-FTP and Internet Explorer.

40. I'm a software developer who wants to use UNIX to
develop programs rather than DOS, but I need to write
DOS and MS Windows programs as well. Will I be able to
run my favorite DOS and/or MS Windows compilers under

Wine now supports DOS applications natively, which
means that you might be able to run command-line
utilities. Some have reported success in running (to
varying degrees of success) various C++ compilers, and
the Borland Dephi and Turbo Pascal for Windows
compilers. Others have reported success in running the
Borland C++ 5.0 command line compiler (bcc) as well as
some of the debugging tools in the MS SDK, but these
compilers' IDEs generally do not run yet.

What You Need to Run Wine

41. Under what hardware platform(s) and operating system(s)
will Wine run?

Wine is being developed specifically to run on the
Intel x86 class of CPUs under certain UNIXes that run
on the x86 platform. UNIXes currently being tested for
Wine compatibility include Linux, FreeBSD, and Solaris
x86. NetBSD, OpenBSD, Unixware, and SCO OpenServer 5
worked at one time, but Wine now requires kernel-level
threads which are not currently available (or
understood by the Wine team) in those platforms. The
Wine development team hopes to attract the interest of
other commercial UNIX and UNIX clone vendors as well.

There are side efforts underway to port Wine to the
Alpha, OS/2, and BeOS platforms. You can find out more
information about the OS/2 port at http://

42. What minimum CPU must I have in my computer to be able
to run Wine and MS Windows applications smoothly?

Wine won't run on any x86 CPU less than an 80386. It is
known to also work in the 80486 and Pentium CPUs.
Beyond that, the basic test is, if you can run X11 now,
you should be able to run Wine and MS Windows
applications under it. As always, the faster your CPU,
the better. Having a math coprocessor is unimportant.
However, having a graphics accelerated video card
supported by X will help greatly.

43. How much disk space will the Wine source code and
binaries take on my hard drive? What other software do
I need to have installed to compile and run Wine?

You need approximately 220 megabytes of free hard drive
space to store and compile the source code. Wine also
needs about 18 megs in your /tmp directory.

Many development tools need to be installed in order to
compile Wine. A list of required packages for several
distributions is included in the README.

To run Wine, you will need the following:
+ The compiled Wine binary
+ A properly configured wine.conf file (or ~/.winerc
+ An installed and working X Window system
+ Some MS Windows programs to test

44. How much RAM do I need to have on my UNIX system to be
able to run Wine and MS Windows applications smoothly?

If you can run X smoothly on your UNIX system now, you
should be able to run Wine and MS Windows applications
just fine too. A typical Wine workstation should
realistically have at least 16 megabytes of RAM and a
16 megabyte swap partition. More is better, of course.
You can run Wine with 8/8, but it is not recommended.
If you wish to be part of the development team and
program Wine itself, be aware that the new debugger is
rather memory intensive. Some have suggested that 64
megabytes is the minimum RAM needed for Wine
development, although some are able to work (albeit
slowly) with 24 megabytes of physical RAM and lots of
swap space.

45. I have a Drivespaced, Doublespaced or Stackered DOS
partition. Can Wine run MS Windows binaries located in
such a partition?

Yes, but only if the operating system supports mounting
those types of drives.

There is a Linux filesystem driver called dmsdos that
will allow read/write access through Doublespaced and
Drivespace 1.0 drives. More specifically, it supports
mounting DOS 6.0 and 6.2 Doublespaced, DOS 6.22
Drivespaced, and Windows 95 Doublespaced compressed
partitions (read and write access works fine, but write
access is slow). It can be found at ftp://

46. Do I need to have a DOS partition on my system to use
Wine? Does MS Windows need to be loaded into that
partition in order to run MS Windows programs under

Unlike Wabi, you do not need a licensed and installed
copy of DOS or MS Windows to install, configure and run
Wine. However, Wine has to be able to 'see' an MS
Windows binary if it is to run it.

Some folks have successfully installed and run some
small programs in their UNIX filesystem without having
a DOS partition or MS Windows. However, not all
programs will work this way yet. Some applications'
installation programs want to distribute some of the
package's files into the /windows and /windows/system
directories in order to run, and unless these exist on
your UNIX filesystem, those programs will not install
correctly and probably will not run well, if at all.

If you have a DOS partition with MS Windows installed
in it, make sure that your UNIX system can 'see' this
partition (check your /etc/fstab file or mount the
partition manually) so that Wine can run the MS Windows
binaries located in the DOS partition.

When it is finished, Wine will not require that you
have a DOS partition on your system at all, meaning
that you will not need to have MS Windows installed
either. Wine programmers will provide an application
setup program to allow you to install your MS Windows
programs straight from your distribution diskettes or
CDs onto your UNIX filesystem, or from within your UNIX
filesystem if you ftp an MS Windows program over the

To run without a DOS partition, you need to set a UNIX
path to be your drive C, and make sure that the /
windows and /windows/system directories point to some
place that actually exist. Here's an example, copied
from a machine which has no DOS partition but
successfully runs Wine
[Drive C]


In /var/lib/wine/windows, you will need to install a
win.ini config file that you might find on a typical MS
Windows 3.1 machine. The directory /var/lib/wine/
windows/system should exist, but doesn't need to
contain anything. However, to use MS DLLs, you can copy
them into that directory.

If you have DOS/MS Windows installed on your system,
you can mount that partition at bootup by modifying the
file /etc/fstab in your UNIX partition. If you edit
this file by hand, it should contain something similar
to the following
/dev/hda1 /dosc msdos uid=0,gid=100,umask=007 0 0

This will allow you to read and write to the DOS
partition without being root.

47. If Wine completely replaces MS Windows, will it
duplicate all of the functions of MS Windows?

Most of them, yes. However, some applications and
applets that come with MS Windows, such as File Manager
and Calculator, can be considered by some to be
redundant, since 32-bit UNIX programs that duplicate
these applets' functions already exist.

48. Will I be able to install MS Windows applications in
any flavor of a UNIX filesystem?

Wine is written to be filesystem independent, so MS
Windows applications will install and run under any
filesystem supported by your brand of UNIX.

49. Will Wine run only under X, or can it run in character

Most of Wine's development effort is geared against MS
Windows' GUI, but some limited support for character
mode has appeared, by setting GraphicsDriver=ttydrv in
wine.conf's [wine] section.

50. Will Wine run under any X window manager? Does it
require a window manager at all?

Wine is window manager independent, so the X window
manager you choose to run has no bearing on your
ability to run MS Windows programs under Wine. Wine
uses standard X libraries, so no additional ones are
needed. Wine has its own window management, which acts
like MS Windows. It can be turned off to use the native
window manager with the -managed command-line switch.

51. Will 32-bit Windows 95/98 applications run under Wine?

Yes, 32-bit programs are now about as well supported as
16-bit programs.

52. What about NT specific programs, which use NT-only

These are only poorly supported.

How to Find, Install, Configure and Run Wine

53. Where can I get Wine?

Because of lags created by using mirror, word of this
newest release may reach you before the release is
actually available at the ftp sites listed here. The
sources are available from the following locations:

It should also be available from any site that mirrors
tsx-11 or metalab (formerly sunsite).

Some of these ftp sites may archive previous versions
of Wine as well as the current one. To determine which
is the latest one, look at the distribution filename,
which will take the form Wine-YYMMDD.tar.gz. Simply
replace YYMMDD in the distribution filename with the
numbers for year, month and date, respectively. The
latest one is the one to get.

Wine binary packages are available for several OS'es
and distributions. See
download.html for the most recent list.

Current Wine sources are also available via anonymous
client/server CVS. You will need CVS 1.9 or above. If
you are coming from behind a firewall, you will either
need a hole in the firewall for the CVS port (2401) or
use SOCKS. To login to the CVS tree, do
cvs login

Use "cvs" as the password (without the quotes). Note
that /home/wine is a path on the server, not on your

To check out the entire Wine source tree (which may be
slow), use
cvs -z 3 checkout wine

or if you just want a subtree, or individual file, you
can do that too with
cvs -z 3 checkout wine/ANNOUNCE

Be aware, though, that getting the entire Wine source
tree via CVS is pretty slow, especially compared to
getting Wine from an FTP mirror near you.

Patch files are also available, so that you don't have
to download, install and configure the entire
distribution each week if you are current to the
previous release. Patch file release names follow the
same numbering convention as do the general releases,
and take the form


Patch files are available from the same sites that
distribute the full release. To upgrade to a new
release by using a patch file, first cd to the
top-level directory of the release (the one containing
the README file), then do a "make clean", and patch the
release with
gunzip -c patch-file | patch -p1

where patch-file is the name of the patch file
something like Wine-YYMMDD.diff.gz. You can then re-run
./configure, and then run make depend && make.

If you are mirroring the Wine distribution from the
tsx-11 site and wish to be listed here in this FAQ,
please send email to the FAQ author/maintainer at

54. If I do not have an Internet account, how can I get

Some CD-ROM archives of Internet sites, notably those
from Walnut Creek that archive and, may include some versions of Wine on
their CD releases. However, the age of these
distributions should always be questioned, as the
'snapshot' of the ftp site may have been taken anywhere
from 1-4 months (or more) prior to the CD's pressing

Your best bet to get the very latest distribution of
Wine, if you do not have your own Internet account, is
to find a friend who does have an Internet account, and
have him/her ftp the necessary file(s) for you.
Unfortunately, since the Wine source no longer fits on
a 1.44 MB floppy, you'll have to figure out some way to
transfer the file to your computer.

If you have an email account on a BBS that can reach
the Internet through a gateway, you may be able to use
'email ftp' to get the Wine release sent to you; check
with your BBS system operator for details.

55. How do I install Wine on my hard drive?

Just un-gzip and un-tar the file, and follow the
instructions contained in the README file that will be
located in the base Wine directory.

56. How do I compile the Wine distribution source code?

See the README for instructions. Additionally, you may
want to set the TMPDIR environment variable TMPDIR=~/
tmp or TMPDIR=/tmp (if you are root)

57. How do I configure Wine to run on my system?

Wine requires that you have a file called usr/local/etc
/wine.conf (you can supply a different filename when
configuring wine) or a file called .winerc in your home
directory. The format of this file is explained in the
wine.conf man page . The file wine.ini contains a
config file example. More explicit directions can be
found in the README file that will be located in the
base Wine directory after you ungzip and untar the
distribution file.

58. How do I run an MS Windows program under Wine?

When invoking Wine, you must specify the entire path to
the executable, or by filename only.

For example to run Windows' solitaire, type any of the
+ wine sol or wine sol.exe (using the search path to
locate the file)
+ wine c:\\windows\\sol.exe (using a DOS filename)
+ wine /usr/windows/sol.exe (using a UNIX filename)

The path of the file will also be added to the path
when a full name is supplied on the command line.

59. I have installed and configured Wine, but Wine cannot
find MS Windows on my drive. Where did I go wrong?

If you have a DOS partition, first make sure that you
have mounted it, either by putting the entry into [tt /
etc/fstab], or by manually mounting it. Remember too
that unless your version of UNIX can see through it, or
you are running a utility that can see through it, your
DOS partition must not be located on a Drivespaced,
Doublespaced or Stackered partition, as neither Linux,
FreeBSD, NetBSD or Wine can natively 'see' files
located in these compressed DOS partitions.

Check your path statements in the wine.conf file. No
capital letters may be used in paths, as they are
automatically converted to lowercase.

60. I'm running a DirectX game, but the graphics is slow,
how can I speed it up?

If you're using XFree86, you can take advantage of DGA.
You must have rw access to /dev/mem to do this. On many
distributions, you can add yourself to the kmem group.
Otherwise, you have to change /dev/mem permissions, or
even play as root.

61. I think I've found a bug. How do I report this bug to
the Wine programming team?

Bug reports should be posted to the newsgroup See documentation/
bugreports for a list of what to include. This means at
least the following:
+ The Wine version tested
+ The MS Windows program name and, if possible, the
version number of the software tested
+ A brief description of the bug
+ The relevant part(s) of the output of the Wine

62. I was able to get various MS Windows programs to run,
but parts of them do not work. What is wrong?

Wine is not complete at this time, so some of each
programs' features may not work. They will in time as
more of the MS Windows API calls are included in Wine.

63. I have run various MS Windows programs, but since the
program menus do not work, how can I exit these

Kill the xterm shell window that you called up to run
your MS Windows program, and the X window that appeared
with the program will be killed too.

64. How do I remove Wine from my computer?

All you have to do is to type
rm -fR \[/path/\]Wine*

Make sure that you specify the exact path when using
the powerful 'rm -fR' command. If you are afraid that
you might delete something important, or might
otherwise delete other files within your filesystem, cd
into each Wine subdirectory singly and delete the files
found there manually, one file or directory at a time.
Neither the Wine developers and programmers, nor the
Wine FAQ author/maintainer, can be held responsible for
your deleting any files in your own filesystem.

How to Get Help with Wine

65. Is there a Usenet newsgroup for Wine?

Yes, and it's called
The newsgroup serves as a place for developers to
discuss Wine, and for minor announcements for the
general public. Major announcements will be crossposted
to other appropriate newsgroups, such as the following
comp.emulators.announce If your Usenet site does not
carry these newsgroups, please urge your ISP's sysadmin
and/or uplink to add them.

66. Is there a World Wide Web site for Wine?

Here are a few
+ WineHQ The official site.

If you are installing or maintain a WWW page pertaining
to Wine that you feel would be useful for others to
read, please inform the FAQ author/maintainer at

How You Can Help with the Wine Project

67. How can I help contribute to the Wine project, and in
what way(s)?

You can contribute programming skills, or monetary or
equipment donations, to aid the Wine developers in
reaching their goals. To find out who, what, where,
when and why, please post your desire to contribute to
the newsgroup

68. I want to help beta test Wine. How can I do this?

Beta testers are currently not needed, as Wine is still
Alpha code at this time. However, anyone is welcome to
download the latest version and try it out at any time.

69. I have written some code that I would like to submit to
the Wine project. How do I go about doing this?

Patches are greatly appreciated and should be submitted
to the wine-patches mailing list. Also see this page
for a description of what happens to submitted patches.

Who's Responsible for Wine?

70. Who is responsible for writing and maintaining the Wine
source code?

Wine is available thanks to the work of many people.
Please see the file AUTHORS in the distribution for the
complete list.

71. Who are the folks and organizations who have
contributed money or equipment to the Wine project?

People and organizations who have given generous
contributions of money, equipment, or licenses, include
+ David L. Harper
+ Bob Hepple
+ Mark A. Horton
+ Kevin P. Lawton
+ the Syntropy Institute
+ James Woulfe
+ vmWare Inc.
+ Corel
--The Devil is in the Details--

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